
Irregular Reporting of Societal IssuesSM

"Get your news weakly"SM (or not...)

The Onion "America's Finest News Source"

Betty Bowers "America's Best Christian"

Alternative White House This is not the porn site. This is satire. Check out the Department of Faith.

Avant News "deadpan satire from plausible sources"


The DOH Center "Center for Denominable Omphaloskeptic Humanism"
The DOH Center is a US-based Not-For-Profit chartered with the meta-study of practical abstract phenomena.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, "Enemy of Democracy"

SCIgen An Automatic CS Paper Generator

Newsweakly is also looking for additional quality news outlets, so please feel free to send suggestions to expand this collection of links.

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Except where expressly noted,
all materials are completely ficticious, facetious, sarcastic, and
© 2005 Lea Ann Mawler & Stuart Mawler